Last Updated on April 8, 2023
“The Ladies’ Paradise”: Based on the same Emile Zola novel that inspired the Victorian era BBC series “The Paradise,” this stylish Italian-language romance drama follows Teresa Iorio, a young woman who leaves her rural Sicilian hometown for Milan. Teresa finds work–and much more–at a newly opened department store.

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It took a moment for me to ease into the 1950s setting, but once I did, I couldn’t wait to tune in to the next episode of “The Ladies’ Paradise.”
“The Ladies Paradise” is AVAILABLE to STREAM
Modern Italy came into being in the 50s, the decade of the economic miracle. There was work for everyone, renewed confidence in the future, and the country was driven forward on a wave of hope. The consumption habits of Italians were radically transformed, as were their social behaviors and core values.
Inspired by Italy’s past and loosely based on Emile Zola’s Au bonheur des dames, the period drama “The Ladies’ Paradise” follows the birth of a large clothing store in the centre of Milan. The store, Il Paradiso delle Signore, was built from the desire to do something which had never been done before: to put quality clothing, beauty and luxury within everyone’s grasp. Using Italy’s talent and creativity, mass production became a way to participate in international trade. The revolutionary The Paradiso delle Signore became the place for beauty and modernity.
The store’s founder is Pietro Mori, a handsome risk-taking pioneer who lived in the United States and returned to Italy with an innovative view of trade and communication. He’s also a man with a mysterious past, a troubled relationship with love, and a few enemies.

The workers at The Paradiso delle Signore are mostly women – beautiful, charming, and smiling – but one young woman stands out. Like the others, Teresa Iorio is beautiful, but she’s also a courageous newcomer from the South, determined to rebel against a predestined life.
Teresa and Mori are our protagonists. Around them are many other vibrant characters, all driven by the desire to be free, to live a life which gives them economic security and serenity in their private lives.

Through their experiences, “The Ladies’ Paradise” strives to tell the tale of the rebirth of Italy. Despite this lofty goal, for the first few episodes I thought this delightful period drama was mostly fluff, something easy to watch that dwelled pleasantly enough on the surface.
“The Ladies’ Paradise” initially felt like a strange combination of “The Paradise,” “Mad Men” and the modern day television series “Felicity.” That last part of the mix wasn’t just because Teresa’s looks reminded me of Felicity, but it was because of her wide-eyed, spirited bravado as she set off to conquer the world.
The period drama is peppy and is filled with kindness among friends, and with pretty things and places. It has little sporty cars and soapy twists. I started watching “The Ladies’ Paradise” during a particularly busy week and throughout my day I found myself anticipating the moment when I would put my feet up and slip away into this easy world.
In the days following, Italian words and phrases spontaneously slid off my tongue: insieme (together), che cosa? (what thing?), non troppo (not too much), Mi dispiace (I’m sorry). I contemplated wearing a high ponytail and wondered if I still owned pumps.
Soon after, I realized I was thinking about the characters while I was doing the laundry, or walking the dog. I wasn’t examining the characters so I could write about them. Instead, I was feeling concern, a connection to individuals as if they were in my life. Some characters were friends, and I wanted to talk with them about their joys and struggles. Others, I wanted to warn my friends about; they were people to stay away from.
When I was little, my grandmother regularly watched what she called her “story.” It was a daytime soap opera, and it seemed silly to me, in its hyper-real drama. She told me how one of the stars who played the home wrecker on her show had to go to the grocery store in disguise. Women who were caught up in the story would harass her and yell at her to leave so-and-so’s husband alone. They got so involved in the soap that they couldn’t see this woman as an actress playing her part.
Thankfully I never slipped into that terrain, but “The Ladies’ Paradise” was expertly agile in drawing me in, through empathy and anticipation of what I wanted to see happen next.

No one is perfect in “The Ladies’ Paradise,” and though there are many touching and tender moments, the main structure is a steady feed of drama wrought with human frailty and necessary secrets.
Each episode ups the dramatic tension, and becomes more suspenseful. There’s romance, unrequited love, impossible choices to be made, rivalry, scandal and passion. The costumes by Chiara Ferrantini never take a false step, and the shots of Milan are inviting. There’s heartbreak and hope, and a terrific Jane Eyre reference.
Just when I think I know how Season 1 is going to end… an audible gasp comes from my lips. The end is just the beginning, and that’s just as it should be because Season 2 is even better than the first.
“The Ladies Paradise” is AVAILABLE to STREAM
In Italian with English subtitles.
Starring Giuseppe Zeno, Giusy Buscemi, Alessandro Tersigni, Christiane Filangieri, Giulia Vecchio.
Also known as Il Paradiso Delle Signore.
Not rated.
Fans of The Paradise (BBC) will likely enjoy this new take on the 1883 Emile Zola novel. It’s not as wholesome as it’s predecessor, but it’s still pretty tame: a bikini is a daring thing, and a girl’s virtue is everything. There are moments with violence, and while the sex scenes aren’t explicit, there are a few encounters with a little nudity in one. Mostly we see just passionate kissing, but serious adult issues are explored, making this one to watch without the kids.
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September 17, 2020 at 4:12 am (4 years ago)I loved so much seasons 1 and 2. I got so connected to the characters and the story was so interesting. Addictive. There was freshness, elegance and humanity. So when everything was changed in Season 3 i was very disappointed.
The cast is not the same. So we actually lost all the characters we like. Its like a completely new TV show. Also there is no information about what happened to the characters from S1 and S2 except for Pietro Mori, which is sad too. The story of the new cruel wife, her husband and his kids from the previous wife is not catchy. Anyway, S1and 2 are really good! I recommend, top! But I think its important to know that S3 is very different and if you were as attached to the characters as me it’s better to know not to expect to see them again in S3 or 4.
Otherwise, you will be disapoined like me.
January 26, 2020 at 6:14 am (5 years ago)I must admit that this is exactly what happened with me too. I began from season 3 last April and I was hooked quickly and my journey into the Italian language commenced. Very fast, I picked up on useful phrases and decided to start learning Italian. Additionally, I also found myself charmed by the elegance and realism of the series and when I would go outside for a walk, I would always think about the characters and possible outcomes.
April 6, 2019 at 10:31 pm (6 years ago)I love this show, please keep
Me posted in season 3 of the paradise
March 11, 2019 at 1:44 pm (6 years ago)Did Pietro Mori die
Marigrace Centofante
September 7, 2018 at 5:03 pm (6 years ago)Me too. Will IIl Paradiso delle Signore be shown on Acorn TV and when? Also is there another place we will be able to watch Season 3?
mariann Paolantonio
March 8, 2019 at 4:06 pm (6 years ago)I have been watching Paradiso Season 3 on RAI TV. I subscribed through my Fiios
account. There are no English subtitles. As my Italian is not very good, it is somewhat difficult to follow. I guess my expectations were so high for season 3, that it is not surprising that I am a bit disappointed. I got to “know” all the characters and they became part of my life. Even my husband got hooked on the show. Except for Vittorio and Andreina, the characters are all new – a disappointment.
The first two series are on DVD. I hope eventually I can purchase series 3 with English subtitles.
(Or get cracking learning Italian.
Manuel J Atencio
August 29, 2018 at 8:20 pm (6 years ago)Dear Willow and Whatch:
My wife and me enjoy “IL PARADISO DELLE SIGNORE “ a delightful and interesting drama movie made in Italy and we are looking forward to watch the 3rd Season
We would like to know when the 3rd will be available to enjoy watching it.
Waiting for your answer.
Sincerely yours,
Manuel Atencio, Miami, Florida.
Sent from my iPad
Willow and Thatch
August 30, 2018 at 9:18 am (6 years ago)All the news we currently have about Season 3 is in the above post. Because of the new format, there’s a chance it won’t be picked up here, but it might. We will have to wait and see.
Eileen Macaione
March 18, 2023 at 8:40 pm (2 years ago)We watched Season 3 on Amazon Prime – finished it last night. Not the ending that we hoped for and there is no Season 4. Try PBS as well – that was our original entry. Good Luck. It is such a great show with terrific characters. So sad that we will never know the end with the original actors.
patti feuereisen
August 24, 2018 at 10:47 pm (6 years ago)Is there a season 3?? How can i watch it??
Willow and Thatch
August 25, 2018 at 8:28 am (6 years ago)See the end of our article for details about how the series is continuing.
July 27, 2018 at 11:53 am (7 years ago)I hope Acorn airs Stagione 3. I hope we find out soon what happens.
July 18, 2018 at 11:37 pm (7 years ago)Thank you for writing this. I feel the same way, and also love anything Italian and have been using brushing up on it to re-learn my Italian. Any idea how we will be able to watch the third season?
Karen I Ford
May 14, 2018 at 8:28 pm (7 years ago)Excellent story and I found that I was picking up the Italian fairly quickly.
Love Acorn and all of the wonderful programs they are streaming!
Jo Ann Baudaillier
May 11, 2019 at 10:42 am (6 years ago)I absolutely loved this series. The beautiful people entered my soul and stayed with me a long time. I am 1/2 Italian and it was as if I was watching my family. Unfortunately they never taught us Italian.